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Das Medikament wird in Ampullen von 1 mg / 100 mg produziert. Gültig bis 2 Wochen. Die optimale Dosierung des Parabolans beträgt 100-500 mg. In einer Woche werden Anfänger ermutigt, nur eine Injektion pro Woche mit einer Dosierung von 200 mg zu machen. Erfahrene Athleten machen 2-3 Schüsse pro Woche. Effektiv ist, wie Parabolan Solo Kurs, und in Kombination mit Testosteron, Winstrol, Boldenom. Da das Steroid die Trenbolon Hexa Produktion von Testosteron unterdrückt, sollte der Kurs mit Gonadotropin verabreicht werden, was eine Atrophie Ihrer Eier verhindert. Der Kurs sollte 8 Wochen nicht überschreiten. Um die Muskelmasse aufrechtzuerhalten und die Produktion von Testosteron wiederherzustellen, wird eine Nachgangstherapie empfohlen.

Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate

Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate is the original trenbolone with delayed-action hexahydrobenzyl carbonate ether produced by Negma in France.
The release of matter and depot: the gradual intake of it into the blood occurs within two weeks, and this is a big plus in comparison with frequent injections of acetate trenbolone.
Trenbolone does not aromatize, but is a very strong progestin that in itself can provoke the development of gynecomastia, even without an increase in the level of estrogens in the blood.
To avoid this, it is necessary to use such preparations as proviron, arimidex, and also blocker of prolactin dostinex.
Trenbolone is the strongest anabolic with a high androgenic component, so it is also characteristic of androgenic effects, such as acne, oiliness of the skin, alopecia, etc. You also need to know that trenbolone does not react with 5alpha reductase and its androgenic side effects can not be changed by parallel application of finasteride, therefore it is contraindicated for women.

The use of trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate:

Usually, from 100 to 300 mg of trenbolone per week, for 8 weeks, is used to increase muscle mass. These dosages are enough to feel on your own skin, what is trenbolone. You can also advise to divide the weekly dosage into two or three doses. Also, with long courses, it is desirable to use gonadotropin to avoid reducing testicles.
Trenbolone hexahydrobenzyl carbonate is strong enough to be used on the course without other drugs, but it is also very versatile so it can be used freely with Winstrol (stanozolol), Primobolanum, Oxandralone, Methandinone, Testosterone Esters, as well as with boldenone and oxymetalone.

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