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Dostinex oder Cabergoline (Cabaser) – ein Medikament, das die Produktion von Prolaktin hemmt, erhöht die Erektion und Libido, wodurch der Blutdruck sinkt. Im Bodybuilding wird verwendet, um die Nebenwirkungen zu reduzieren und auszugleichen, die während der Verabreichung von angestorbenen Gestagen von angestorbenen Steroiden wie Deca und Trenbolon auftreten. Darüber hinaus entfernt es effektiv überschüssige Flüssigkeit aus dem Körper, wodurch eine qualitative Erhöhung der trockenen Muskelmasse gewährleistet wird.

Pharmachologic effect

The active substance of Dostinex is cabergoline, a dopaminergic agent, an ergoline derivative. Has a long and pronounced effect of reducing prolactin. Effects due to blockade of prolactin secretion as a result of direct stimulation in lactotrophic cells of the pituitary D2-dopamine receptors. When using high doses, there is also a central stimulating dopaminergic effect on D2 receptors. This property of the drug differs from other prolactin-lowering agents.

Just 3 hours after taking Dostinex in the blood, a decrease in the level of prolactin is observed, which persists for 7 to 28 days in healthy individuals and patients with increased prolactin levels. The effect when used in the period of postpartum lactation lasts up to 2-3 weeks. From the digestive tract is absorbed quickly. The maximum plasma concentration is reached in 0,5-4 hours after internal reception of a preparation. The half-life was evaluated by the rate of elimination of cabergoline in the urine – it was 63-68 hours in healthy individuals, in patients with hyperprolactinaemia – 79-115 hours. Due to the significant half-life of cabergoline, the equilibrium concentrations of the drug are reached after 28 days. About 41-42% of cabergoline binds plasma proteins.

Side effects

Usually the drug is well tolerated. If Dostinex is prescribed to prevent lactation or suppress it, dizziness, hypotension, insomnia, headache, nausea, and abdominal pain are often observed. These signs are weakly expressed and quickly pass. If the drug is used to treat hyperprolactinaemia, dizziness, headache, nausea, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, gastritis, constipation, general weakness, soreness of the mammary glands, depression, hot flushes to the face, hypotension, paresthesia are possible. These signs are weak or moderately expressed and pass quickly. The most common side effects occur within the first 14 days of taking Dostinex.

Side effects of Dostinex are additive, so when developing strong effects, it is recommended first to reduce the dosage, then try to increase it again if necessary (by 0.25 mg per week for 2 weeks). If the side effects are severe, which requires withdrawal, the symptoms disappear after 1-2 days.